ECHO PARK is having a warehouse sale!
Sheesh, Echo Park doesn’t make it easy for bloggers to share their news. Can you even see the pieced together ad above? I had to copy it over piece by piece from an e-mail they sent out.
I would send you to their blog but as of this posting, the warehouse sale is not listed on Echo Park’s blog.
Regardless . . . or is it irregardless? . . . I would be goin’ to that frickin’ sale if I lived in Utah!! Can you imagine all that Echo Park goodness in one place??
PS: After I wrote my rant, I found this on Carta Bella’s blog. It appears to be in one piece ;)
Wait, what??? CARTA BELLA too??? You people are killin’ me!
Fricka frackin’ . . . grumble, grumble . . . Utah . . . {kicks dirt} . . . didn’t want any flippin’ Echo Parky schmarky, Carta Bella smella’ anyways . . . SO THERE!

1 Comment
Times like this, I wish I lived in Utah! That would be so awesome to be able to go to what must be an fantastic sale!