What’s this scrap world coming to? After my post earlier today about Scrapbooker Murderer Woman, now I hear about THIS arrest of a woman who had stolen $170,000 worth of scrapbooking products from stores and was selling them out of her home. Just crazy, I tell ya’.
PS: Thanks to LILYMAMA from CKMB for the news article!

Well it does’t say she was a scrapper, just that she stole the stuff to sell to scrappers. Jeez, what some stupid people do!
I saw her ads on Craig’s List and I just assumed that she’d had a LSS at some point and was still getting rid of stuff. But, every now and then, she’d have the latest thing and I had no idea how she was getting it. I never went to one of her “sales”, too far away, and now I am sooo glad I didn’t.
Holy cow! What’s this world coming to when you have to steal scrapbook supplies?? That’s just sad.
I can’t believe that – that is too crazy!!!
This is just unbelievable, she must have been stealing for a long time in order to get $170 thousand dollar in merchandise! This is just crazy, how did she think that she’d get away with that? Anyway, hope you have a wonderful week :)
Its people like her who give home-based scrapbook businesses a bad reputation!
From day one I’ve done things the *right* way…registed business, biz license, tax ID…and I’ve worked hard to cultivate relationships with suppliers. I represent myself honestly to suppliers and I get all my products from the same places as the LSSs do. Attitudes towards home based retailers have really improved over the past few years…and then some moron does something like that and it sets the industry back again!