I’m always on the lookout for scrapbooking being mentioned in popular media like movies. I did THIS post years ago (gosh, it’s been SIX years!) about all the scrapbooking in the movie “New in Town” with Renee Zelwegger.
I recently found a quick scrapbooking mention when I watched a movie called “Due Date” from 2010. It’s a road trip/buddy comedy with Robert Downey, Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. Robert plays the straight guy and, of course, Zach is the clown.
In one scene, scrapbooking is mentioned :)
Robert Downey: “Get in the car.”
Zach G: “Hold on one second. I’m going to go get a brochure . . . for my scrapbook, okay?”
You can see it on the YouTube clip, from 00:53 to 00:58 – check it out:
I don’t know if they’re making fun of us yet again. I just choose to see it as making a crazy character somewhat endearing :)
What other movies have you seen scrapbooking done or mentioned in?

An episode of Psych talked about scrapping and even mentioned the Bind It All! I love the show but bringing scrapping into it made me love it more!
Wow, even the Bind It All? They must have a scrapper on staff, LOL. My kids loved that show. I think it’s set in Santa Barbara, CA which isn’t too far from us.
I can’t say I remember seeing references to scrapbooking in recent movies. I think I’ve seen people putting together photo albums in old-fashioned “classic” movies, but that’s all that comes to mind right now.
Oh gosh, did you cringe at the rubber cement or however they were putting it together?? LOL That’s neat that it was included, though :)