As always, THE PEAS are the ones who told me about it, LOL! There have been sightings! Report yours in Comments, please. I’ll take some pix and post them later if there’s any new stuff at mine.
2 peas
Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 ArticlesWonderful Scrapbook Rooms
The girls on AMR have been posting links to some great eye candy lately…awesome scrapbook studios that we can all drool over and be inspired by. I also love to look at them for storage and decorating ideas. Here’s a list of some we’ve looked at recently:
WYSCRAPPER/DEBBIE picked JENNY F’s ROOM and a here’s a Sneak Peek…
CHRISPEA/CHRIS led us to GEMM’s ROOM and here’s a peek…
KELLIANNIE/KELLI has been especially good at finding these cool rooms. She showed us THIS one posted by “christmasnotebook” (?) on Flickr with all those white cabinets. This is my kinda dream room, with all that closed storage so it looks neat all the time and you can do cool things like decorate for Christmas!
Kelli also shared Masonpaige’s room HERE; get a peek below of all the pink and green goodness:
They got me going, so I went and found these on 2PEAS (just Search All Forums for Scrapbook Rooms and you’ll find plenty). THIS ONE belongs to scrappindiva55 and lookie here at one pic:
And I love THIS ROOM belonging to peainthepod – just one view below…