Yeppers, it’s time to sign up for True Scrap Pocket Pages!
Here’s the thing I’ve noticed about True Scrap events. I tell you about the early bird specials and you say to yourself, “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’m busy though. I’ll sign up later when it gets closer.” But then the special prices go away – like Black Friday, the BEST price you’re going to get on “True Scrap Pocket Page”, I promise.
Before you know it, it’s late December, then January, and you keep hearing people talk about this cool TS event. When you have time, you go to sign up and guess what? The specials and early birds are over and True Scrap is now “too expensive.” And you kick yourself for not signing up when the price was affordable. Like RIGHT NOW TODAY.
Only $47 after the $100 Black Friday discount. At $47 divided by 6 classes = $7+ per class. That, my friend, is a bargain. So please don’t wait and then kick yourself later, mmm kay? I mean, who wants the bruises? Not me, sista’! I just signed up myself and I expect to see you there in class :)
Just click this link to sign up.
Here is a message from True Scrap organizer Lain Ehmann:
We know you’re being inundated with specials today, but we just HAD to throw one into the mix. As you may have heard, our next big event is True Scrap Pocket Pages in January. And this weekend, you actually get your choice:
…Over $100 off OR
…a savings of 68%Actually, it’s a trick question because right now you don’t HAVE to choose… you can save $100 on True Scrap Pocket Pages, which just happens to be 68% off. We’re tricky like that. :)
That’s right: For the next few days you can get the LOWEST price available for a day of fun on January 25, 2014. We’ll bring you teachers like Layle Koncar, Traci Reed, Marcy Penner, and MORE in our first-ever True Scrap Pocket Pages event. And it’s all live, all recorded, all from YOUR computer.
And sign up now through midnight on Monday, Dec. 2, 2013 to save BIG.
You’ll get…
-SIX video classes
-A round-table live Q&A discussion with some rockin’ PL/pocket page designers
-Recordings of EVERYTHING
-And a few other bonuses!No coupon. No stress. No fuss. Just pure, unadulterated SAVINGS.
This price is the absolute LOWEST price for TSPP including for ScrapHappy family members, True Scrap Alums, and my favorite sister. This is it, my friends!
The savings are good through Monday, Dec. 2, but if you sign up before midnight tonight (on Black Friday, 11/29), we have an extra-special bonus for you. You’ll get “Phoning It In: Using Cell Phone Photos Effectively,” a one-hour video class from Tami Morrison, absolutely FREE! It’s chock-full of fab tips for pocket and traditional scrapbooking and it’s yours for NADA, but only if you sign up for TSPP by midnight TONIGHT.
You’re going to love True Scrap Pocket Pages – we guarantee it!
Now go get that $20 flat screen TV from Wal-Mart you’ve been camping out for. :)
Lain the Red-Nosed ReindeerPS The $100 savings is good through 12/2, but the special free class is good ONLY today! Don’t delay!
So how do you like that?!? Not only $7 per class but a relevant, free class thrown in, too! It’s a great deal, fer shizzle. Hope to see you in class!
PS: If you are decidedly NOT going to attend this True Scrap event, I’d love to hear why. Are pocket pages just not your thang? Too much for the budget? And I’d love to hear if you DO sign up, too! Just leave a comment below :)