Now that Google Reader is gone (effective 07-01-13), I’m getting new followers through Bloglovin’ and I’m blog-lovin’ it! As I visited there today to follow some new blogs myself, I realized that I joined Bloglovin’ back when my web address was:
I’ve since migrated over to my own self-hosted WordPress blog at:
So if you’re following me at the first address, I would love you to “un-follow” that address and follow the new one {just click the link in the first line of this entry}. Then I can delete my OLD address from Bloglovin’ and be all current-like with just the NEW one.
Mmm, kay? Thanks Blogluvahs!
PS: If you don’t want to mess with a blog reader like Bloglovin’, instead you get an e-mail in your in-box every time I make a post. Just enter your e-mail address to subscribe to e-mails in the right sidebar ->