If you’re not familiar with CHA, read all about it HERE and then come back, LOL! It started today Sunday, 1/25/09 in Anaheim, California and runs through Wednesday, 1/28/09. In a nutshell, it’s the biggest craft show in the US where all the LSSs and online retailers get to preview the new lines, interact with their Scrap Homies, see all the fun displays, do make-n-takes, receive giveaways, etc. You get to see all the Scrap Celebs in their natural habitat, amongst the pretty paper and smell of adhesive. You get to drool over cutie patootie TIM HOLTZ and his sexy forearms while he demos his latest ever-so-clever ink technique. Ooooh….I’m so verklempt! Must….focus…..where was I? Oh yeah, CHA!
Ever since I got serious about scrapbooking several years ago, I have always wanted to go to CHA. I think you can tell, if you’re a regular reader, that I’m quite in love with scrapbooking products, what new things are coming out, and where to get them. I mean, “in love” is somehow an understatement, LOL! Unfortunately for the average scrapper, only verified store owners and their staff members are allowed to attend. When I became a consultant for Memory Works and then opened my own little scrapbook business from home, I wanted even MORE to attend. I looked into joining CHA (the Craft and Hobby Association) so I could do so, but the membership price was too steep for someone just starting out (ironic, yes? because who needs to attend CHA and make those wonderful network-y connections more than a new store owner?). I resigned myself to never being able to attend, but I always get caught up in the Sneak Peeks from each company and turn green with envy at all my online friends who’ve been able to attend.
Well, going back to work full-time due to this crummy economy meant I had to put my little biz on the backburner until I have time to fire it up again. And if you want irony, I’ve got it for you. Who got invited to CHA this time? Who lives only 4 hours from where it’s being held? Lean in real close and I’ll whisper a little hint in your ear……closer……closer…..okaaaaaay……ME!! It’s a long story how the invite came about but don’t make me relive it because I couldn’t go. Not only does it interfere time-wise with this little thing called my Normal Work Week, but the price of a hotel, etc. is just not something my pocketbook can stretch to accommodate right now. So that’s the irony….being invited the one time I can’t go. I felt so unduly privileged to have an invite but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? It’s like if Brad and Angelina ask to adopt me because they need another freckle-faced white kid to represent! Who am I to ask questions? Just take the gig and roll with it…
I was visiting a friend on Friday who happens to be another online store owner – well, okay, if you must know, I was meeting her to pick up some Bazzill cardstock she was selling on Craigslist but that’s another post – and she said, “Oh, I’m so excited! Me and Lisa are leaving for CHA on Sunday!” Well, mother (bleep). Someone ELSE who gets to go! Not only that, when I told her I also got an invite but couldn’t go because of fundage, she says, “Oh, you could’ve roomed with us. Our third girl just backed out today. We’re sharing a big suite and it’s only $100 total each for 2 nights.” Again I say, mother (bleep)!
And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I found out one of my all time favorite people is going to be there! This is quoted from a CHA press release:
“Paris Hilton, internationally recognized model, singer, author, and entrepreneur will be available on Sunday, January 25, 2009 from 2:30 – 3:30 pm in the Wooky Entertainment booth #2500, to unveil Paris Hilton, the Creativity Collection™ a multi-faceted line of fashion crafting kits from some of the most popular craft segments including scrapbooking, jewelry making and fabric embellishment. Paris will be on hand for photos and signing autographs.”
Is God trying to punish me? Did I tinkle in someone’s Wheaties??!!! Oh, the horror of missing my girl, Paris! Just kick me while I’m down, why don’t you? Dig the knife in a little further, okay?
So you can see why CHA-W (or “chaw” as we insiders call it) is so bittersweet for me this time. To all my homies out there in Scrap World who are down in Anaheim right now, sipping your little freakin’ Mojitos or whatever by the heated indoor hotel pool, gabbing away about how much FREAKIN’ fun it was at CHA today and how much more FREAKIN’ fun it’s going to be the rest of the time, you just have a wonderful time, okay? Really. Don’t even worry about me. At. All. Cuz I’m not bitter.
Just bittersweet….