HERE is the new Simple Stories “Sn@p!” line in all it’s gorgeous colorful Project 365-ish December Daily fun glory ;)
And HERE it is on my Memory Works website. It’s not quite available yet so it’s showing Out of Stock. But they usually don’t put items on the website until we’re almost there! Good sign, good sign.
In the meantime, you can take a look at my site and start putting your wish list together. You can see the prices, what’s included, and get a close-up picture. Like window shopping, scrappy style!
I’m waiting for a response from Home Office about the exact date I will have the “Sn@p!” items available on my website, and then I’ll decide when to start taking pre-orders. I originally heard “the first week of October” but I know they had some of the binders at Scrapfest this weekend, so I’m thinking (hoping!) we’re going to get it sooner.
I will keep you updated :)