Check out this REVIEW of a new crafty novel; not scrapbooking per se, but still sounds very interesting, yeah? At the bottom of the article are 2 links that will tell you about scrapbooking novels. HERE is a link to another scrapbook novel and if you scroll down to the “Customers who bought this item also bought” section, you’ll see tons more.
I’m so happy to see the addition of all these scrapbooking novels and mysteries over the years. They combine my 2 favorite hobbies: reading and scrapbooking. In fact, I didn’t realize until I did that search on AMAZON that there were quite so many!
I’ve read all the LAURA CHILDS mysteries, with the exception of Tragic Magic …
… and I’ve read A PAGE OUT OF LIFE…
but I think that’s it. Crikey! I have some major reading to do!
Do you ever read scrapbook-related novels? Why or why not? Which ones have you read, or would like to read?
I wonder if there’s an online book club or group for scrapbook novels. Hmmm … if there isn’t, someone should start one. I would love to have one place to purchase these books to read, then have a message board or chat room to discuss them. ‘Cuz I don’t know anyone in my ‘real life’ that would be caught dead reading a scrapbook novel, LOL! Anyway, just another one of my brilliant ideas (hardy har har …)