I was at Mike’s today with my 40% off coupon in hand, roaming the aisles for something I really “needed” to spend it on. I finally settled on a 12×12 pre-done scrapbook page and frame. It had the perfect colors for my scrap room, soft blues and greens, a touch of pink. I could slip a family photo in the blank spot, add a bit of journaling, and have a nice little addition to my wall. The frames are by Recollections and go for $19.99.
I also grabbed some of the 8.5×11 white cardstock because I’m almost out; it’s on sale at Mike’s this week 4 for $10 (it’s normally $4 per pack). They had other colors and also combinations of colors, but I just need white :)
Anyhow, right in front of the registers was a bin with MAKING MEMORIES “grab bags” … HOLLAH! Well, wait, here was my actual reaction to seeing these:
I love Making Memories!
Wow, great deal.
Oh. Wait. I need more MM like I need more patterned paper. {Which is to say … I don’t}.
Crap on a stick.
But but but … how does one pass up a dealio like this?
Set. The Making Memories pack. Down. Okay, good. Now walk away.
But but but!!
Alright, go ahead and get the stupid MM then. You know it’s an amazing deal. You really have no choice. Enjoy.
So I did. What exactly was in the packs did vary so I took a few minutes to see which one had the most items I would use. And items that I didn’t already have, hee :) I found a good one, put the Recollections frame back where it came from, and bought the MM pack with the 40% off coupon.
Not only did I get $50 worth of product for $19.99 (as the front of the package says), I got $50 worth of stuff for about $12. I’ll add some photos as soon as my computer cooperates, but in the meantime here are the items I got for 12 buckaroons:
{All images are from the Making Memories website ~ THANKS MM!}
These letters but in light blue …
Both of these are chipboard 12″ border strips, super cute …
Similar to these mini letters but in red glitter ….
There were also 13 chipboard clocks but I can’t find them online anywhere so no photo … :(
I found the GLITTER BLING STICKERS on their site, but not the three shapes I got: black fleur de lis, smiley face, and lightening bolt. I also got a pack of old-school Wire Words that are not on their site at all.
14 items for 12 bucks … swoon!
And as if I didn’t already feel pretty damn good about myself, now I’m doing the right thing and telling YOU about it.
I mean, c’mon, people, it just doesn’t get much better than that … am I right? You KNOW I’m right.
My advice to you is this: If you want to feel really good about yourself right now, you’ll march down to MICHAELS with your coupon and get one of these Making Memories grab bags … and then tell a friend. You will SO be doing the right thing ;-)