TRUE SCRAP 6 opens for general registration today: 09-09-14!
I’ve attended several True Scrap events in the past and swear by them, fo’ sho’. If you want to read some of my reviews, you can see past blog entries HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. My favorite online scrapbook class EVER was from True Scrap 3 – read that review HERE.
There are 2 changes this time I wanted to tell you about – as requested by past attendees: A shorter event and a smaller price!
This year’s event has been reduced to 1 day instead of 2 (all day Saturday 10-18-14) with a virtual PJ party the night before where you just hang out online and chat with other attendees from around the world. It’s a smaller event (8 classes and 3 virtual make-and-takes), with a correspondingly smaller price point that many asked for.
On top of THAT, I have a discount code for you that’s good from 09-09 through 10-10-14: Type HERO in the box and save $20. Woot! I’m ALL about saving money where we can . . . ‘cuz that means we can spend the savings on scrapbook supplies, right?
Using the discount code takes the price from $99 down to $79 – or from $12 to under $10 per class. As I always say about Lain’s classes, that’s a real bargain compared to in-person classes at your LSS (do you even have one anymore? I don’t.) or other online classes.
If you’re waffling a bit about registering, please keep in mind that the webroom only holds 500 people. A bunch of seats have already been sold because they’re first offered to members of ScrapHappy (Lain’s membership site), and then she did Early Bird Sign-ups for those on her mailing list.
Oh jeez, I haven’t even said what True Scrap 6 *is* yet, have I?
Well, it’s an online scrapbook event put on by Lain Ehmann – she’s done 8 or 10 of these now and has it down to a science. TS6 ncludes the following classes:
Tracy Banks: Layering: Punch It, Roll It, Make It Yours
Kelli Crowe – Saw This, Made That: Bringing Ideas to Life
Jennifer Gallacher – Mood-Based Scrapbooking: An Inspirational Guide
Noell Hyman – Small Details, Big Picture
Katrina Kennedy: Capture Your Celebrations – Photographing Food, Family, And Fun
Layle Koncar – Flip It, Score It, Make It, Shake It!: Innovative, Interactive Mini Book Techniques
Nichol Magouirk – From Pocket to Page: Pocket Cards for 12×12 Layouts
Donna Salazar – Mixed Media Masterpieces Using Crafty Supplies
For more detail on the classes, you can click HERE and scroll down.
As always, each class sounds so interesting. I’m especially looking forward to those by Noell Hyman (going through a month of photos and deciding which to do layouts with and which to use Project Life, essentially) and Katrina Kennedy (photographing celebrations and other things I find challenging due to low-light, etc. – and I have a new camera!). Nichol Magouirk’s sounds good, too – Lordy knows I have a gatrillion PROJECT LIFE CARDS to use! {It’s been over a year since that entry and it’s gotten well and truly worse, ack!}
While their topics don’t super-intrigue me, I may take Kelly Crowe and Layle Koncar’s classes just because they’re both such a hoot! If you guys attended True Scrap Pocket Pages, you remember how fun Layle was from Simple Stories (and she gave away a Simple Stories prize, which I’m hoping she does again!). What I have found from taking entire True Scrap events is that classes that don’t interest me at all ‘on paper’ end up being some of my favorites. “True Scrap is like a box of chocolates. You just never know what you’re going to get.” Hee.
I’m still deciding if I’ll sign up or not. I didn’t get on the Early Bird mailing list in time, therefore no 30% discount on the price. And I’m not a ScrapHappy member anymore either so I don’t get that discount. I’ve really had to cut my scrappy spending lately :(
A month or so after Lain’s events, she usually puts the classes for sale “a la carte” so I may just wait for that and buy the specific classes I want. But if they end up being $10-12 each x the number of classes I want, it might add up to $79-ish anyway . . . bah! If I DO end up doing the entire TS6 event, I’ll make sure to post some reviews of the classes to help you decide which ones you may want to buy. We shall see . . .
Are you going to attend “True Scrap 6” or perhaps buy some a la carte classes later? If you do sign up now, don’t forget to use the code HERO to save $20. You can register (or just check out all the info) RIGHT HERE.
Have a great rest of your week . . . :)