LORELLE ON WORDPRESS is basically, for me, “The Goddess of All That is WordPress.” I’ve been reading her blog for ages and, as a long-time blogger-slash-computer dork who has learned relatively little in my 4 years of blogging, I “follow” her and read her words (most of which go over my ever-lovin’ head) with amazement and deference.
To sum it up, this is how I feel about Lorelle:
Well, just like that except picture Lorelle as Alice Cooper and me as Wayne and Garth.
ANYWAAAAYS. THIS was Lorelle’s blog entry today. As if she couldn’t get any more perfect-er than being a WordPress Guru Blogger, she is also a Family History Blogger. We scrappers LUV us some family history, don’t we?
And not only is she a Family History Blogger, but she made it into her local paper … and to top it off, on her blogs she tells US how to start and run a family history blog. All the links you need are right HERE.
Do you SEE why I’m not worthy?!?!?
Honestly, until I saw this article, it had never occurred to me to start a family history blog. But what an awesome idea, right?
My maternal grandmother was a geneologist … like back in the day, where you had to travel to LIBRARIES and look at MICRO FICHE and make DITTO COPIES of things. I mean, my Gramma ROCKED it. She was hardcore. She even went to Europe to research her family. Then I have an aunt on my dad’s side who compiled a bunch of family history, documents, and photos into a large bound book. A cousin and my mom have been using ANCESTRY.COM to do geneology research in recent years.
I’ve gone on that site a few times and found copies of things like a census from when my granddad was little and that was super cool but other than that, I get totally lost and overwhelmed at all the clicks and links and documents and searches. I feel like Alice down the rabbit hole. I need to spend more time there to figure it all out, although at this point, I’d probably just be duplicating what my other family members have already found.
Anyhow, it just seems to me that a family history blog would be a cool place to bring all these disparate elements together into one place. Srsly, check out Lorelle’s articles on how to do a family history blog … it’s SO cool! You can scan documents in, tag entries by family name, have authors who are “dead or alive,” post photos, share information and stories, etc.
Honestly, it got this little scrapbooker all kindsa jacked up! {Dork}.
The good news is: I’m TOTALLY adding this to my Bucket List for Life. I so want to do a family history blog.
The bad news is: Not only is my plate full right now, but I got a stack of plates that are all full. So this won’t happen anytime soon. Maybe when I retire (gulp). Or hit the lotto. Or become so famous for blogging that I can quit my day jobs. Uh, yeahhh, right!
But the GREAT news is that when I’m ready ~ or you are ~ Lorelle has laid out the process for us so we can do this cool thing she has done. She’s just a share-y person like that.
Mad props, Lorelle, mad props.