Well,it’s obvious I’ve been majorly slacking in my 2peas Lurking Duties. This was all news to me, and I found it via Michelle’s BLOG. It’s not a magazine ensnared this time, but the Making Memories blog. The scoop is HERE, HERE, and HERE. Apparently, THIS is Jennifer’s blog but it wouldn’t allow me to enter (hmmm…shocking!). In searching her name, she seems to post comments to blogs using her real name. Anyway, sounds like MM said and did all the right things. I’m sorry this happened to them, as they are one of my favorite companies. I hope everything works out for the best. As for Ms. Shabro, don’t even get me started…For you, dear readers, I will bite my tongue. And in return, I will ask that you Don’t Shoot the Messenger…I’m just sharing the 4-1-1, for shizzle…
Are we tired of the scandals yet, ladies? What are your thoughts?