In case you missed THE FIRST ROUND, Lain Ehmann has put her popular “True Scrap 6” classes on sale again.
In short, the classes are $9.99 each on sale versus their regular price of $14.99, saving you 5 bucks per class. You can see all the classes available HERE.
From Lain:
Now through the end of January, you can save BIG on a huge
assortment of visual delights and inspiration from all NINE classes
from True Scrap 6.If you aren’t sure what to start with, may I suggest these classes, for
only $9.99 each:“Layering: Punch It, Roll It, Make It Yours” from Tracy Banks. The
inimitable Mercy Tiara, as she’s known to her legions of fans,
breaks down the layering process using die-cut and punched shapes.
Not only will she teach you the basics of creating lovely layers,
she’ll also have you breaking out those scores of punches and dies
you’ve been squirreling away!“Saw This, Made That” from Kelli Crowe. Need someone to help
justify your Pinterest addiction? Kelli’s your gal! In this class,
she shares how she turns her tens of thousands (yeah, you read that
right) of pins into usable inspiration for her crafting.“Capture Your Celebrations: Photographing Food, Family, and Fun”
from Katrina Kennedy. True Scrap mainstay KK is back with the
perfect photography class to aid your holiday photo-taking. In
easy-to-understand language, she’ll teach you the skills you need
to capture your holiday festivities.Don’t forget to check out the other classes from instructors like
Noell Hyman, Donna Salazar, Nichol Magouirk, Layle Koncar, and more!
The sale goes through 01-31-15 but go shop right now before you forget :)
I haven’t been able to take any of the True Scrap classes this time around but I would always recommend anything by Layle Koncar. She’s with SIMPLE STORIES and her POCKET SCRAPPING 101 was my favorite class from another True Scrap I attended. I got to meet her at CHA last year and she’s SUPER nice and funny (in class, too!). You know me, I like a little humor mixed in with my scrapbooking, hollah!
You can check out the $9.99 classes HERE!
PS: I just got back from a 4-day scrapbooking retreat and will tell you about it in an upcoming post!