Well, my little US scrappy friends, don’t get too excited yet. It appears these 2 new Project Life versions are available exclusively overseas, at least for the time being.
But word on the international streets is that there are 2 new kits hitting stores now. I couldn’t find the first one on Becky Higgins’ BLOG and couldn’t find either kit listed in her STORE or on AMAZON. “Aqua” apparently is for UK customers and “Happy” is exclusively for Spotlight stores in Australia {which Becky did blog about HERE back in February}.
First up is “Aqua” full of fun, happy, bright colors that would be great for toddler, kids, and school albums:
It was designed by CRYSTAL WILKERSON . . . but I can’t find any mention of it on her site either. Either nobody’s Search functions are working, or these are a big secret for some reason ;)
Second is “Happy” which is so, well, HAPPPYYYY!!
HSN – who also carries Project Life items – does have 2 papercrafting shows coming up on Tuesday 04-15-14 but, at least according to the show descriptions, no Project Life items will be presented. A Pea thinks she heard that HSN may debut 2 new PL lines toward the end of April . . . and wondering if (hoping!) it might be these. Just rumors and speculation at this point :)
ETA: Am I being a dork and this kit was on HSN last time?? AKA old news? {Thanks Tiffany!} I wasn’t able to watch but I think Tiffany is right.
I think they’re both really cute but I’m kinda’ glad I don’t NEEEEED them, LOL. The colors and designs aren’t too far off from other Project Life lines I already have like my favorite, “HONEY“, as well as SLATE.
What do you think? Are they ‘must have’ kits for you?
PS: For those Down Under, did you catch this Project Life Theme Set of Australia cards in Becky’s post linked above? Cute!