I got this e-mail from Melissa the other day and she said I could post it to the blog:
Goooooood afternoon!!
I wanted to let you know that my new JUMBO Ribbon Ring tags have arrived! They accommodate ribbon up to 2” wide and right now they are ON SALE! If you don’t have a lot of wide ribbon, you can hang four or fivepieces of 3/8” ribbon side by side on these new tags. How cool is that?
To celebrate this new product launch, our Ribbon Ring Starter Set and Ribbon Ring bundle of 90 are ON SALE too. Today is a good day to organize ribbon.
Go to www.ribbonring.com to take advantage of these awesome deals!
Melissa Bickle
President, Chicory Chic Inc.
3550 Broken Tee Drive
Hood River, Oregon 97031
tame your ribbon.
Here’s a photo of the new JUMBO (yes, I must put that in caps every.single.time) Ribbon Ring. You likee?