Heyo scrappy! Remember in THIS post when I alluded that there may be another announcement coming? Well, it’s time. And now there’s a spoiler in the post title but I’m not ready to talk about that yet so you have to keep waiting :P
Facebook Page and Group
First, I wanted to update you on the new Scrapbook Obsession Page and Group that I talked about HERE. They both got off to a somewhat slow start – as things associated with me are wont to do – bwahahaha! I’m thinking me in the morning before cawfee, any form of exercise, that kind of thing.
The Facebook Page was pretty depressing at first, I tell ya’. I’d post something and it would say “1 person reached” or “3 people reached” even though the Page Likes were growing steadily (thanks to you guys, since the only place I mentioned the new page was here on the blog).
But that’s Facebook’s new algorithm; you can Like a page all you want but if you don’t regularly interact with it, the posts won’t show up in your feed. They want people like me who are desperate for approval from strangers to pay for boosting, ads, etc. ;)
Well, the joke’s on Mr. Zuckerberg because a. I’m cheap, and 2. I prefer to beg my online scrappy friends to “LIKE” me (please Like me!) before I’ll stoop to the level of paying for affection.
So I hung in there, begged my friends to give me some love, and the reach of the SBO Facebook Page has improved already! Take that, Marky Mark!! I even have one post that says “145 people reached.” Of course, it’s a post about one of my scrapbooking hauls. Now I know how to get your attention, you little minxes!
As for the Secret Facebook Group – well, it’s a SECRET so I can’t tell you. DUH.
J/K … J/K
Not only has the Scrapbook Obsession Facebook Group grown to 58 lovely members in just a few weeks, it has also caused my Scrapbook Obsession Free Newsletter list to grow from 140 to 164 in that same timeframe. ‘Cuz you have to sign up for the newsletter to get an invitation to the Secret Group. Hmmm, who’s crafty little idea was that??
See, there’s usually a method to my madness. Not always but usually. Sometimes I’m just a hot mess and have no farklin’ idea what I’m doing. Yeah, wow, I’d have to say that’s mostly when I’m cooking. So you’re safe – unless you come over for brunch. { That’s so silly! Why would you come over to my house for brunch??!! Because MIMOSAS! }.
Team Lisa aka “Anthology” by Lisa Bearnson
Since I joined on as a consultant for this line in the Spring, it’s been a good experience. The umbrella company – Youngevity – is wonderful to work with. They gave me my own pretty website to sell Anthology products and they provide great support and training. I’m still trying to figure out how that all fits in with Scrapbook Obsession.
I don’t want to over-post about it but in keeping it pretty “low pro”, I haven’t sold very much. Honestly, I thought people would be more excited to buy the products and find me when seeking information. While I do get blog hits from those searches, they aren’t translating to orders. No one asks questions. No one is begging to be a consultant even though you can get started for only $25. I bought 10 catalog/idea books and have sold 1 :( [ETA 11/15/15: Make that 2! Thanks Shari and Laura].
And that’s okay. I’ve never been a pushy salesperson type and apparently that hasn’t changed. If I choose to be more aggressive about it down the road, I have ways to promote Anthology that won’t negatively impact this blog – because I don’t want to dilute what Scrapbook Obsession is. And what is that, exactly?? LOL
My First Class?!?!
Yes, I totally just copiedĀ that headingĀ from the post title because it’s midnight and I’m plumb tired. Brain no workee. Too long since above-mentioned coffee consumption.
So anyhoooo … if you’re in the Secret Facebook Group (ahem!), you know that I’ve been contemplating when to do my first online class – about organizing and simplifying your scrapbook space. Here’s where that stands: At this point, I’m thinking of doing an 8-week beta class starting next Monday. Yes, NEXT Monday 11-16-15. Even if it’s just a few of us, I think we can have a blast getting our space all tidied up for some winter-break, staying-warm-inside scrapbooking this winter!
Then I’d start a longer and more thorough version of the same class on or around 01-18-16. I know the holidays are too busy for many people to contemplate attacking their scrapbook space. The new year is a great time for that. With both classes, I’ll be running them live starting on those dates but you can purchase them at any time and jump in. The content will be released weekly and you’ll have access to our chats, photos, forum, Facebook group, etc.
What your scrapbook space will look like after you take my class:
(It actually belongs to Papermint Crafting Studio. I’m being “aspirational” like Martha Stewart. Heh.)
So I’m getting input on all this from the group members and from some scrappy friends. I need to decide, like, PRONTO. Are you in the mood to get started organizing on Monday? If not, how does January sound? I hope you’ll join me . . . more information to follow!
As for Scrapbook Obsession Overall . . .
If you read THIS post, you know that I went to online business school this year and, after blogging since 2007, I’m ready to take Scrapbook Obsession to the next level. Having the newsletter is a big part of that because of how it makes others in the scrapbooking industry view my relationship to YOU (in other words, it’s a great thing, so thank you for signing up!). My blog feed, Bloglovin’ followers, and social media followers are steadily growing.
I’m being contacted by more product sponsors and affiliates which is a nice vote of confidence. It’s challenging to find ones that are a good fit for a scrapbooking blog which is a pretty defined niche. But that’s okay; it’s not really a big part of my plans for Scrapbook Obsession anyway. I still have more awesome ideas than I have time. And I’m still waiting to make enough moolah from this venture to cut back on my day job. Someday, someday . . .
The best part has been the support from my online scrapbook friends like you and I couldn’t be more appreciative. Let’s keep this thing rolling strong and see what 2016 brings. I think it’s gonna’ be an awesome new year!