I heard about THIS on the 2peas General Scrappin’ board. Hayley is raising money for a humanitarian mission by selling boxes full of scrappy goodness for only $45 INCLUDING SHIPPING!
Yowser! I SO want to buy one (or nine) … but I can’t. I’ve been on somewhat of a spree lately (gulp) and need to pull back the reins on the scrappy spending horse. And OH how I would love to win an iPad. I think I’m the last person in America without one, LOL.
Since I can’t buy a box, I’ll do the next best thing and tell you about it … so you can buy one … and tell us about it when you receive it. See how that works? Share the love (donation to a good cause) and share the love (tell us what you get so we can live through you).
It’s a win-win … am I right?