It’s back in stock at MEMORY WORKS!! Whoo to the hoo!
Shockingly, it’s only $29.95 (over $100 value). I ordered this last time and have it; if you’d like photos or have any questions about what’s in this amazing kit, just let me know :)
The My Minds Eye “Bohemia” embossed chipboard is also back in stock. I’m getting some this time, cuz I was so mad I missed out on it before.
It’s only $3; retail value is $8. Can’t beat that, I say…These will be fun to color with chalk inks, alcohol inks, maybe rough ’em up with sandpaper or my BASIC GREY FILE SET.
They will go perfectly with the MME “French Market” set above. Eeeee! Can’t wait to get the chipboard and can’t believe it’s only 3 bucks.
More about the chipboard HERE and HERE.
Just click on the “I’m a Memory Works Consultant” up top, or through the links provided, to order these goodies. Seriously, hurry. They went out of stock very quickly last time.