Only 8 more days . . . only 20 spots left . . . time to sign up!
What is LOAD? Yeah, I’ve been hearing about “load” for years and never really paid attention, honestly. I knew it stood for Layout a Day and that you complete 28 layouts in a month. But that’s about where my knowledge stopped.
Eventually, through other classes I took with the creator Lain Ehmann – most notably TRUE SCRAP 4 – I learned more about what LOAD/Layout a Day really is, how it works, and how amazing it is. And now I’M JACKED, PEOPLE!!! I can’t wait for February to get here!
I thought I’d tell YOU about LOAD213 (the 213 stands for February 2013) and see if you’d like to join me :)
So here we go . . . directly from Lain:
Here’s What’s In Store in February:
28 days of brand-new video prompts and lessons, guaranteed to bust you out of any scrapbooking rut, bring a smile to your face, and make your hair shine!
Exclusive message board for LOAD members only where you can connect and chat with the coolest scrappers on the Web!
Private gallery for our members where you share your daily creations, win prizes, and strut your stuff!
Insiders-only interview with Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of The Happiness Project. Listen as she shares her secrets on living a happier life (and why scrapbookers have a jumpstart on the ordinary people)
Random surPRIZES, Hugh sightings, and fun for all!
To Preserve the Intimate and Personal Atmosphere of This Event,
Participation Is Capped!
PRIZES!?!?! Did she say PRIZES? I’m so there.
If you want to learn even more, check out THIS QUICK VIDEO by Lain. Her enthusiasm is infectious.
I’ve already joined the gallery and message board. The other attendees are posting and prepping. Again, the excitement is infectious.
When you read the reviews and endorsements HERE from past “LOAD’ers” (ha), it really makes you want to take part. {Scroll down a bit to see them}. I mean, in reality . . . I work full-time, have kids, activities, bizzy bizzy life. Am I really going to complete an ACTUAL layout a day? I don’t know. I’m realistic and thinking not.
But like one of the reviews said, the daily prompt is a quick and motivating way to start your day. Go create your layout right then and there. See what you can accomplish, right? I figure even if I get only 10 layouts done (hmm . . . there are 8 weekend days in there and maybe I’ll get lucky on 2 weekdays, lol), that’s 10 more than I probably would’ve done otherwise.
And PROJECT LIFE layouts COUNT! So I’m golden there :) Those of you who can get 28 layouts down, my hat’s off to you. I’m sure you’ll inspire me and maybe I actually CAN do it. Who knows?
Also I’m a sucker for forums and galleries. I totally {heart} talking to other scrappers day-to-day in a community of support. Everyone’s in the same boat and, from what I already know about Lain’s SCRAPHAPPY* community that I also belong to, it is truly “the nicest group of scrapbookers on the internet.”
*By the way, because I’m a member of, I didn’t even have to pay for LOAD – members attend all LOAD’s for freeeeee!!! That was one of the things that sold me to join in the first place.
So check out all the information about LOAD and think about joining us. But don’t think too long. Lain caps enrollment and the last I heard, there were only 20 spots left. Hope to see you there!
If you have any questions about LOAD, please post below in Comments :)