Here’s a round-up of some cool scrappy things I saw on the scrappy interwebs and want to share with you!
– Lisa Bearnson and the Anthology crew hit the Pinners Conference in Utah last month. Here is a quick Project Life layout Lisa shared:
– Can you believe they found a copy of the flippin’ Magna Carta IN A SCRAPBOOK?!? It just doesn’t get much cooler than that. Talk about archival, LOL. Or not very, in this case. Too bad they didn’t have scrapbookers on staff back then.
– Stephanie Howell‘s version of the Simple Stories “Carpe Diem” planner made it into a Buzzfeed article. Fun! {Warning: Title and article itself contain foul language}.
– More cute free printables from Simple Stories for November.
– Want to get a jump start on your Valentine’s and springtime wedding cards? Maybe you have some time off during the holidays, don’t want to drag out ALL your supplies, but still want to get your craft on. This is a great project for that. Hey, get the kids involved too! You know how bored they get after several days of Christmas break, LOL.
To order, please go to my Anthology site HERE. Easy peasy, just like ordering online from any other site :) Less than $2.50 per card, which you can barely buy cards for anymore, and these are much nicer anyway.
Hope you’re having a Happy December!