** YAHOO!! I sold it on Craigslist this past Friday!! Thanks everyone :) **
Here are pix of my Clip It Up by Simply Rene, along with instructions and accessories (scrapbook supplies not included, of course):
The black tabs and white sticker labels are so you can divide your categories up. I never had time to put them together, but it would be cool to sort by category (rub ons, letters, stamps, etc) or subject (outdoor, Christmas, kids, etc).
I paid retail for it at a local craft store:
Base Unit $60
Cover $24
Will sell both items for $70 including shipping (US only; will ship elsewhere if you pay the difference).
Here’s the story: I used to sell scrapbook products at crops, but I’m no longer doing that. The Clip It Up was used to display items at 2 crops; the rest of the time, it sat untouched and covered on my scrap table. I love it, actually, but I have such good storage systems already going for my scrap stuff that I really don’t need it any longer. But I highly recommend the CIU as a way to store any kind of embellie. I’ve heard of people using it to store anything from stickers to rub-ons to their entire acrylic stamp collection. It’s wonderful for putting your things out where you really see and will use them, instead of hiding away in some kind of storage container.
The black cover is great and keeps the dust off your stuff. I have just the Base Unit, so I tuck the excess cover length under the base and it REALLY keeps the dust and light out. But if you want to add the Upper Tier later, the cover will ‘cover’ the entire thing.
First right of refusal goes to a friend at AMR who was looking for a good price on a Clip It Up, which is what finally prompted me to list mine for sale. If she doesn’t want it, it’s up for grabs! You can leave a comment here or e-mail me (addie is in my About Me page).