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Scrapbook Novel Review: “Prints Charming”

*** Warning: If you don’t want spoilers to this book, please don’t read my review! ***

As you know, I love SCRAPBOOK NOVELS and recently read “Prints Charming” by Rebeca Seitz (yes, Rebeca with one “c”). I got the book in the mail a few weeks ago, but held onto it so I could read the whole thing on a family trip we just took.

I suck at synopsizing, which reminds me of my school days when I’d much rather write a story than a stinkin’ book report. Anyway, I found a good synopsis at LIBRARYJOURNAL.COM:

Jane Sandburg’s best friend, Lydia, had begged her not to marry Bill, and their friendship ended when Lydia walked out at the wedding. Now, two years later, Jane discovers Bill is cheating on her, and because “a woman couldn’t be a woman without her girlfriends,” she reconciles with Lydia. A year later, Jane, Lydia, and new girlfriend Mac decide to start Sisters, Ink, a business that networks scrapbooking women. When a new man enters Jane’s life, and Bill tries to win her back, Jane has to rely on her “sisters” to help her avoid making another huge mistake. This first novel is a pleasure to read, with likable characters who are bound to return in the next installment of the new “Sisters, Ink” series.

I guess a novel about scrapbooking would have to be really poorly written for me NOT to like it. That said, I really, really enjoyed this book, LOL! It was well-written, entertaining, and interesting. I very much grew to care about the main character, Jane, and all of her scrapbooking friends. I thought the characters were well-drawn and likeable (well, Bill the cad ex-husband was not so likeable, but hey, every story needs a villian, right?).

Scrapbooking was definitely a part of the story. Not only do the women get together and scrapbook regularly (while sharing triumphs and crises), but they’re in the process of starting a scrapbooking website together and we get glimpses of them having ideas and adding them to the site. Jane’s wedding scrapbook also makes several appearances, although at one point she considers destroying it, and I literally said out loud, “NO!” I’m like, “I don’t care if the guy turned out the be a real ass hat. Don’t take it out on the scrapbook!” I just cringed at the thought of all that hard work, creativity, and (gasp!) scrapbook supplies going in the trash. Crikey, Jane, don’t SCARE me like that!

I really enjoyed the love story part of it, too. There’s enough conflict to keep you guessing and, though you figure they’re probably going to end up together at the end, it’s not easy going for the happy couple. They meet as the novel begins (as she rushes to a scrapbook store, natch!) and Rebeca does such a good job of capturing that “I get goosebumps and a funny stomach every time I see you” feeling of new infatuation.

The side stories of the other “Sisters” were also compelling, including an older mother dealing with a troubled daughter, a wife trying desperately to get her husband’s attention away from TV sports (you gotta read just to find out the interesting kind of lingerie she resorts to!), and a young mom trying to adopt a 2nd child. These ladies are multicultural and spiritual. As a Christian, I enjoyed the easy religious tone to the book but if over-religiosity bothers you, this book won’t. It’s done with a pretty light touch and I don’t think anyone would find it annoying.

I think the only thing I’m bummed about is that there isn’t (yet) a “part two” to Prints Charming. The Sisters Ink books begin with a new set of characters, but I wanted to find out what happens with Mac and the preacher. I want to know if the happy couple stayed happy and if their dog and cat are still getting along okay. How are Mari’s daughters doing, and surprise child #3? How does the website take off, and what scrappers do they connect with? See, Rebeca? You gotta write another installment, girl!

Anyway, if this novel sounds interesting to you, I got my copy at AMAZON.COM and more retailers are listed below. You can read more reviews of the book at Amazon also.

If you’d like to read more about Rebeca and her scrapbooking novels: HERE is an excellent article on a Christian media website, which tells a lot about her literary and writing career, and the role spirituality plays in her life.

As I mentioned, the scrapbooker girlfriends in the novel form a website and community dedicated to scrapbookers and bringing them together. The ideas for this fictional website were so good that, as I was reading, I kept thinking they had better really have this place so I could join up when I got home from my trip, LOL. Sure enough, they do! Here is the actual SISTERS INK website. There is a $12 annual sign-up fee, which seems totally reasonable ($1 a month? why not?). I plan to join soon and check out the benefits of the site.

At the Sisters Ink website, I found lots of information about Rebeca and her books, including a list of the FOUR NOVELS which make up the Sisters Ink series. The four novels are:

Sisters Ink
Coming Unglued
Scrapping Plans
Perfect Piece

Apparently, Rebeca first wrote Prints Charming, then was contracted for the four Sisters Ink books which are a series and interrelated, dealing with four adopted sisters from one family. I plan to buy all of them and can’t wait to get started. Ah, my summer reading list!

Copied from the Sisters Ink site, here’s where you can purchase Rebeca’s scrapbooking novels:

The Sisters, Ink novels are available for purchase in thousands of bookstores across the country, including Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-a-Million, LifeWay, Family Christian Stores, Parable-member stores, independent bookstores, Amazon,,, and some Wal-mart stores. If you cannot find the Sisters, Ink novels in your area or would like to purchase signed copies, feel free to email Rebeca directly at .

Read Rebeca’s tweets HERE.

Hope you enjoyed my review of “Prints Charming” by Rebeca Seitz!

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