Wow, what a great way to start the day. Opened my e-mail and saw the consultant alert that Simple Stories (my favorite scrapbooking line EVER!) is releasing another new line soon … EEE! And not only that, it’s going to be another one of my favorites of all their lines so far (this release makes lucky 13).
Oh, what was that? Did you say “Quit jabbering and show us some pictures, mama”? Alright already! Here ya’ go …
*All images courtesy of the amazing and inspiring SIMPLE STORIES BLOG. Go there by 4/13/12 and leave a comment on THIS entry for a chance to win THE ENTIRE COLLECTION of Simple Stories “Summer Fresh.” None of that “Tweet, link, and Facebook us” nonsense. Just a straightforward “leave a comment and you might win.” Fabs.
As always, if you plan to purchase anything from this line, I would be honored if you’d do so through my Memory Works WEBSITE. If you subscribe to my blog (just enter your e-mail address there at the upper right), you’ll get an e-mail every time I post … including when I post that “Summer Fresh” is available ~ it’s expected later this month!
Then you can haul your tookie over to my website and place an order. Once payment has cleared, it will ship straight to you within 1-2 business days. And you’re gonna’ want this one right quick … summer is just around the corner :)