If you’re a Scrapbook Obsession Newsletter subscriber, you’ve already heard that today is the day for sneak peeks of Lisa Bearnson’s new line called “Anthology.”
Time to See the Sneaks, Y’All
You can check them out HERE – then come right back, please :) I’ll wait patiently.
Okay, so what do you think so far? Pretty nice start, huh? These are basics we all need in our scrapbooking – luscious textured cardstock in 7 packs with 53 colors including neutrals – and D-ring binders – woot!
K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple . . . Scrapper
I’m so excited about what I’ve seen so far. I know one of Lisa’s philosophies with her new line is to keep scrapbooking accessible and do-able. These basics go right along with that. Can’t wait to see more – which happens this Thursday 07-30-15 when Lisa reveals her next sneak peek. {How come every single time I type that, I write “sneek peak”??? Whyyyyy???}
Now that you’ve seen a little taste – if you think you’re going to like what Lisa will offer with Anthology, I really encourage you to sign up NOW as my Preferred Customer. Peeps like me will be the only way you can purchase Anthology products, because Lisa has signed an exclusive deal with a huge company called Youngevity. And I’m a rep, yo’.
Wanna’ Know How? It’s Super Easy (Not to Mention FREE)
Being a Preferred Customer is free and you’ll get 30% off retail of everything you purchase. You just sign up here: https://erikafriday.youngevity.com/
In the upper right, click Join, then Customer, and fill in the blanks. Easy peasy!
Note: Under “User name and distributor website URL”, please choose a user name – keeping in mind that if you ever become a Distributor, it’ll be your URL. For example, mine is ErikaFriday and my site is https://erikafriday.youngevity.com. You can choose your full name, your business name, or anything else you like. If you stay a Preferred Customer forever, it functions as your user name.
Also, please ensure it says at the bottom of the form: “You are signing up under Erika Friday (101433514).” That way, you’re enrolled as a Preferred Customer under my account.
Here’s a video showing how to create a Preferred Customer account (just watch the first minute or so).
If you decide later to become a distributor ($25) or a CEO ($500, on sale through 7/31 for $400 – but you still get $500 to spend!) – then you already have this account set up and ready to upgrade. If you always stay a Preferred Customer, that’s awesome! You’ll log into your own site (the one you created above) and place your orders whenever you like.
Here’s a quick video showing how to place orders as a Preferred Customer. (It shows health products in the video but it’ll work exactly the same way for the “Anthology” scrapbooking products).
Questions? Hit me up: erika@scrapbookobsession.com or hit Reply on any of my newsletters.
What are your thoughts on the sneak peeks of the Anthology line? Underwhelmed that they’re just basics? Scrappy happy to see things you know you’ll use? Wondering what could be coming next? Would love to hear what you think so far :)
See you Thursday, if not sooner (and this is where you say, “Not if I see you first!” bwahahahaha!).