I made sure to specify “core kit” in the title of this post because I didn’t want you to get the wrong kind of twitterpated!
Many scrappers, including myself, saw Becky’s blog post and thought, “Whoo hoo! There’s now a desktop edition of the the Project Life app!” Yeah, well, NO. It’s not a desktop edition of her popular app, it’s a new Project Life core kit called “Desktop Edition.”
I for one am always happy to see a new core kit so I’m not gonna’ complain too loudly but, sure, a “desktop edition” of the app would sure be handy, Miss Becky! In the meantime, I’ll console myself looking at your purdy new kit :)
You can get the kit from Becky’s online store HERE. It’s funny – to me, this image on her website doesn’t look much like the actual kit from the other photos:
Here’s the description from BH.com:
The office meets Project Life in the Desktop Edition! You’ll find classic colors, pencils, pens, and globes along with florals and graphic patterns to round out this collection designed by Tiffani Smith.
And from Becky’s blog:
. . . filled with fun graphics — pens, books, and other office supplies while being sprinkled with florals and bold graphics. The color palette is rich, warm, and sure to be a favorite. This new edition includes a Core Kit, Designer Album, 6×6 Paper Pad, Photo Overlays, Stickers, and Embossing Folders.
Yep, STICKERS! That’s new, right?
Love the hearts and paperclips <3
These are just a few of the kit images. There are more on Becky’s blog entry linked above. On the one hand, I really like this new Project Life Core Kit. It’s a fun theme, very versatile, would be fun to use in a scrapbook-y planner, and has some fresh images. On the other hand, I’m more a silver girl than gold (and kind of burnt out on all the gold in Scrapbook Land anyway). The gold overlays are a NO especially.
If the stickers are sold separately somewhere, I’ll probably buy those. And I’ll hope to find a partial kit to buy some of the cards – or buy the whole core kit myself and sell off 2/3 or 3/4 of the cards. Heads up: If you LOVE the gold cards, hit me up, LOL.
PS: If you haven’t seen this “I Am Project Life” video yet, check it out. I gotta’ admit, it made me a little bit weepy. Sniffle.
There, there, Scrappy Girl. Here’s a tissue . . . ;)