I was a Target today for Landry food, picked up the most recent Scrapbooks Etc. (yeah!), and of course stopped by the Scrapbooking aisle. Behold! It was full of employees diligently working. They were unpacking boxes, which I took as a sure sign of new goodies.
They were rearranging the whole aisle but I didn’t see anything new. Shizzle. They put all the stamps and inks together and had the tools better organized. They had all the Making Memories stuff together, instead of scattered everywhere and that looked really nice. Woulda’ been nicer to see some new MM items, but no….The 12×12 accordian paper holders with the stripes were on the clearance and there was a new version in the SB aisle. But that is literally the only new thing I saw in there. My hope is that they were reorganizing the “old” stuff before they started unpacking oodles and oodles of new stuff.
Yeah, a girl can dream, can’t she?
Anything going on at your Target? New stuff or same old, same old?

i am from upstate new york and i was at my local target yesterday and they were doing the same thing but there were some new products as well but it looked like they hadnt finished putting out everything ….i did manage to find the new mm line just chillin i got the paper pack with diecuts and the fabric tags and the journaling notebook i was very happt cute line by the way my daughter is 12 so it is perfect …..just wanted to let you know love your blog thanks
Targets in Houston have all the new Making Memories lines out and I want them all!! Just bought a few items the last two times I’ve gone. Somehow it looks better with just a few scrap items on each receipt!
I’m in Central CA and the Targets that I visit have a few things on Clearance, but no new things. I’m going again on Friday. I’ll let you know if it’s any different. ;o)
I try not to go to Target very often on account I spend way too much money. The Target here in South Cali kind of sucks in the scrapbook isle. Everything is always everywhere, I’d be thrilled if they actually took a few to clean it up.
Here in NE Ohio, I saw the new MM stuff and some really yummy other stuff. However, they have tags and such from christmas that are still regular price because they have other seasonal tags as well.
They had a bunch of things on clearance, too. Including some page pebbles, some clear stamps and cards/envie sets.
I went to get some A6 envies and cards, but they were all out of the size I needed. Oh well…
My Target in MD has cut their scrapbook aisle in half by moving the albums over from another aisle to consolidate 2 aisles into one. The former album aisle has been completely empty for over a week.
The clearance stuff is mostly gone and there was a wee bit of new MM in the aisles, but other than that, it’s vastly downsized.
Hi there! I’m browsing your blog because you posted it at 2Peas. :) How are ya. I am enjoying your blog, except for the posts about CKMedia’s problems, and all that. ;) I’m sure you understand. Anyway, have a wonderful day!
I want an album in black…like the Frame A Name Album…but I need black…