Something told me I’d better not hmm and haw on this this one or I’d miss out. I went ahead and ordered a box. I’ve never taken advantage of one of these warehouse sale or grab box kind of things, and I always regret it when I hear what cool stuff everyone else got. So I just went for it this time. I had some birthday money waiting for something special and then Pink Paislee presented a deal I couldn’t resist.
Oh, what’s that you say? You would like to know what I’m talking about??? Oh, yeah, HERE is the link! Happy shoppin’…Let me know if you ordered and we can be giddy together!
ETA 6-23-09: These boxes “begin shipping on 6/29, first come first served,” so I expect mine in early July. I will DEFINITELY show you pics of what I get! I’m so excited…eeeeee!

oh i know i wish i knew what all was in that box i have so much pink paislee already lol
I was really tempted on the Maya Road one! I hope you share pictures with us! I’d love to see what you got!
Okay, no fair. Let’s see a pic of what was in the box!
Already ordered my box the day they announced the sale. I LOVE PP!
On another note, I found a couple packs of Thickers at Big Lots last night. Wouldn’t have known to look there without your lovely blog. Thanks for the enabling!