Okay, I need you guys to help me with a decision and quick. In my last post, I talked about my need for several D-ring 12×12 scrapbooks. This is so, in the long run, I have enough room for all my kids’ School Days album pages and memorabilia packets. Heck, if these albums go well, I will probably also do one or two for my own school days, and one for DH (we don’t have that much of his school stuff). In the post, I stated how expensive those 3-ring albums are and that I plan on using 40% coupons on them one at a time until I get the albums I need. I want to buy them all soon, so the look of the albums stays consistent, kwim? So, KAY aka Kaydrenth was nice enough to post in the Comments that Borders currently has 12×12 D-ring albums on Clearance (is there a sweeter word in the English language?? I think not). I called my Borders and sure enough, they had 11 of them for $5.99 each. They will hold them for me for 24 hours (until tonight) but I’m not sure if I should go get them. With tax, that’s about $70 for 11 albums, which is a great deal. Normally, even with coupons, I could only get about 4 albums for that price and it would take 4 trips and 4 weeks to even get those. Eleven albums at $18 each with tax is about $212. Okay, now that I see the math, it makes sense…to me, LOL! But is that excessive, to go down and buy 11 albums from Borders?? What would you do? And tell me quick…I only have til tonight to decide. Well, they will probably still have the albums for a bit until someone else snatches them up. Luckily, I don’t think tons of scrapbookers hang out at Borders. But if the albums are on Clearance, Borders may take them off the shelves too. Anyways, what should I do?

That sounds like an amazing deal…and it sounds like I need to go to Borders tonight! LOL! My only question would be brand/ quality. Do you care what brand they are? And if not…you just want to be sure that they are good quality. Other than that, I would buy them all! You know you will use them! And…if you have the money to do it, you should because it will be spent (more, actually) over time anyway.
well, i would snap them up ASAP!!!…especially if they are the albums you love and what a sweet price…
I would be there in a flash!!!!! Not only is this a Great BARGAIN, but think of all the gas money you will save by only doing one trip!!!!!!!!
Go for it!
I would have to go grab them up. I mean, that’s 1/3 of the normal price. And I’m agreeing with the comments that everyone else has posted already :)
Go get ’em, silly!
yes!!!!!! Grab them up while you can!
Snap them up if you have the $$ and they are what you want!
What are you waiting for? Run, don’t walk!
I’d be so all over that… When I went to Jo’s and happened to notice albums super cheap, I bought as many as I could…. It’s not like you won’t use them… right…. Its a good investment, you’ll have them there and ready to fill….. Go for it….
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!!
yeah it’s a deal. Considering that normally they are at least $15. So you’re saving so much $$!!
While I agree with everyone else, I’m going to play devil’s advocate: I would go and LOOK at the binders to check the quality. You definitely don’t want to get stuck with binders that will fall apart in a year or two. If you go there and you’re confident that they will hold up as well as the We R Memory Keepers ones (or better), then go for it! Otherwise, I’m not sure it’s worth it, even for the price.
So inquiring minds want to know … what did you end up doing? Hope you’re having a good time, getting a lotta scrappin done, and that you got a price break on the room rental!!