Gosh, I steal…ahem, appropriate…so many ideas from NICOLE, I should pay her a commission, yeah? But she posted this fun game on the AMR CHIT CHAT Board today…here is the LINK to that thread.
Anyway, here’s how to play…You Google your first name + needs and then list the top 10 returns you get. Here are my results:
1. Erika needs a lot of attention and care (a foster child listing)
2. Erika needs this sign (Any Display of Acrobatic or Hazardous Activities are Prohibited on This Property)
3. Erika needs to go (Big Brother 7)
4. Erika needs to start acting like she is in her fifties!!! (from All My Children message board)
5. Erika needs coffee (boy, does she!)
6. Erika needs to speak to Will (BB 7 again)
7. What Erika needs now. I need business owners who care about the image and future growth of their company.
8. Erika needs a loan so that she can buy the various tools necessary for her work (Erika is a Peruvian woman listed on a ‘needs loan’ website)
9. Hot New Singer ERIKA needs your support Sunday at Jenkinson’s.
10. Erika needs to determine what she needs from the board.
The first hit was actually this blog post from 2005…how funny!
1. erika needs to eat a steak sandwich while doing sit-ups
2. erika needs her rest in order to be ready for the Ball.
3. erika needs coffee (true that)
4. erika needs to have research herself on Prometrium when she is talking to the doctor.
5. erika needs 2 shut up her fat a**…..(hmmm….THAT is not nice….)
6. erika needs devine healing
7. erika needs to have her own stamps to mail the letters.
8. erika needs to sing and work and be clean.
9. Walter, in all his youthful naivety, thinks that he will conquer the iron maiden’s heart by wooing her, which is in fact the last thing erika needs.
10. erika needs to learn how to open up and trust again.
I don’t usually explore the internet outside of my little Scrapbooking Safety Zone, so it was interesting for me to see all the crazy stuff out there. One thing that is glaringly obvious…there are too many teenagers with MySpace pages and too much time on their hands making bad videos of themselves lip synching to songs. I mean, do their friends actually watch them or is it a total vanity project? And, yowzers, where are their parents?? I’ve seen way too many YouTubes where the young ladies’ name and city are in bold print. Please, little girls, be careful! Okay, teenager rant over….
Go over to Google and see what YOU need! Feel free to post your top 10 in Comments, or link to your blog. I’d love to see how yours comes out…

LOL, this is too funny
I’ll give it a try later
LOL, this is what I got
1.- Alina needs the washroom (who doesn´t?)
2.- Alina needs to go through the last re-induction (??)
3.- Alina needs a live-in position in Johannesburg
4.- Alina needs help (LOL, so true)
5.- Alina needs the International Christian Tennis Academy
6.- Alina needs help folding and bagging all the clothes donated
7.- Alina needs a new mommy/daddy
8.- Alina needs special mental treatment (Oh my)
9.- Alina needs an internship
10.- Alina needs to get up early to leave for Italy (I wish)
Guess what? Kris Needs is an actual person! He is a Brittish journo and has written most about the music scene. Not quite what I expected but interesting none the less.
[…] You NEED To Play This Game « Scrapbook Obsession1. erika needs to eat a steak sandwich while doing sit-ups … 4. erika needs to have research herself on Prometrium when she is talking to … […]